The Political Club of PYAN team organizes a seminar on the political awareness.


The Political Club of PYAN team hosted Dr. Mustafa Al-Sawwaf, one of the most famous Palestinian journalists and politicians, in a meeting entitled “The Political Awareness”.

Read MoreOn Monday July 18th, 2016. The meeting introduced the political awareness and its importance in addition to the required innate or acquired skills. Dr. Sawwaf also talked about the needed tools for enhancing the political awareness such as media, which made the world a small street, dialogues and lectures which show the way that people think, improving inner consciousness, and raising political awareness. Those are needed in order to make a real change, especially among youth. Moreover, he talked about what recently happened in Turkey and compared between the awareness of the Turkish and Egyptian people.
At the end, Dr.Al-Sawwaf and the club members watched an introductory video about Dr. Al-Sawwaf and his achievements made by the media section of the team.




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