HOW closes a specialized training course for the prosecutors


The House of Wisdom (HOW) closed a specialized training course for the prosecutors in cooperation with Gaza General Prosecution, under the patronage of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and DCAF center for security, development and the rule of law, the course is entitled “Improving capacities of the staff of the prosecution”.

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The training course was supervised by Dr. Ahmed Yousef, the president of HOW, Dr. Ismael Jaber, Attorney General, Eng. Mahmoud Madhoun, Director-General of MOFA, and Hosam Dakka, Chairman of Gaza General Prosecution.

Dr. Ahmed Yousef, the president of HOW, confirmed on the efforts of HOW on improving Criminal justice components and strategies for the sake of achieving justice and enhancing the security sector through improving the capacities of personnel. In addition, Dr. Yousef mentioned the second annual judicial conference will be implemented by HOW, and headed by General Prosecution, under continuous communication and networking with foreign experts and institutions to gain their experience in the justice sector.

From his side, counsel Ismael Jaber, the attorney general, expressed gratitude for HOW and civil society organizations for their efforts in developing the criminal justice sector, and conducting training courses for improving capacities and performance of personnel.

Mr. Hussam Dakka, Chairman of Gaza General Prosecution, discussed the current and proposed legislations relate to money crimes such as fraud and cheating in selling the property of others. In addition, counsel Ziad Thabet, the supreme court judge, explained the territory crimes and proper legal characterization based on the Penal Law, especially crimes of trespassing, keeping the hand and forcibly, trespassing for the purpose of committing a crime, and the power of the court to return the taken money.

At the end of the training course, counsel Jaber praised the House of Wisdom for its continuous efforts to support justice facilities, certificates were distributed for the participants.







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