House of Wisdom begins the second phase of the project to strengthen the political participation of young people


The Bayt Al-Hikma Institute for Consultancy and Conflict Resolution started the implementation of the second phase of the program to promote the political participation of Palestinian youth in Gaza City on Monday, 31 July 2017.

Sixty young men and women from various universities and student frameworks participate in the program.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the institute Dr. Ahmed Youssef and the Secretary General of the Institute Engineer Mahmoud Madhoun, appreciating the role of youth and their keenness to develop their own despite the harsh circumstances. Urging them to move forward and acquire the skills and expertise that will make them leaders for the future.

During the first meeting of the program entitled “Palestinian youth and international media”, Dr. Ahmed Yousef talked about the concept and importance of media and related topics, and then opened the door to questions and discussion

It is worth mentioning that the aim of the program is to seek the development of the capacities of the Palestinian youth in a number of subjects to formulate a plan for their way in future life. The program includes a series of meetings in which a group of experts, personalities and politicians will participate.


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