House of Wisdom organizes a training program for members of the military judiciary


The Beit Hikma Institute for Consultation and Conflict Resolution, in cooperation with the Military Judiciary in Gaza, opened a training program within the project “Developing the Military Justice Authority in Gaza”.

Which is being held under the auspices of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Security Sector Development Center and the rule of law. With the participation of 26 judges and military prosecutors.
He explained m. Dr. Mahmoud Al Madhoun, Secretary General of the Institute, said that the program expressed the efforts of Beit Al Hikma in developing the legal Queen for legal and judicial workers in order to protect the constitutional rights of the Palestinian citizens, including the right to access justice. Within the framework of the obligation of competent authorities not to abuse the power and deviation in the performance or violation of the rule of law or to prejudice the basic rights of litigants.
For his part, praised the head of the military judiciary in Gaza, Colonel Hakami Nasser Sulaiman, the efforts of the Institute of House of Wisdom in the promotion of the members of the body and establish the principles of fairness,
For his part, the head of the military judiciary, Col. Nasser Sulaiman, commended the efforts of Beit Al Hikma and stressed the importance of cooperation between the military judiciary and Beit Hikma Institute, especially in the areas of cadre development and the preparation of military legislation. .

The training program, which lasts for six days, includes several main axes: the invalidity of judicial decisions, the invalidity of prosecution procedures before the courts, the investigation of cybercrime, the mechanisms of pursuing international crimes in international criminal law.

This program comes within the framework of the strategic plan of the Institute, which aims at strengthening and strengthening the human rights culture of the judiciary, especially the military judiciary and military prosecution in its capacity as the competent judiciary to hold accountable human rights violators by the security and military establishment.


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