House of Wisdom begins with a training program to strengthen the capacity of judges in the Gaza Strip


Under the patronage of the Center for Security Sector Development and the Rule of Law “Decaf”, and under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Beit Hikmah Institute for Consultation and Conflict Resolution, in cooperation with the Supreme Judicial Council in the Gaza Strip, opened a training program.

Within the framework of strengthening the capacity of the regular judiciary in the Gaza Strip, targeting 30 judges of the Magistrate’s Court and the Court of Appeals in the Gaza Strip. In the presence of Dr. Ahmed Yousef, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bayt Al Hikma, Advisor Abdul Raouf Al Halabi, President of the Higher Council of the Judiciary, Engineer Mahmoud Al Madhoun, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Advisor Anam Anszi,

In his speech, Dr. Yousuf stressed the efforts of Beit Hikma Institute in promoting the principles of good governance and developing the sectors of work in the security sectors in the Gaza Strip. As well as benefiting from Bayt Al Hikma partnerships with local and foreign institutions to promote the principles of justice and law in the sector.

For his part, Advisor Abdel Raouf Al-Halabi praised the continued efforts of Bayt Al-Hikma and supported the justice system. He stressed the importance of joint action between the Higher Council of the Judiciary and civil society institutions to support justice and establish the principles of law in Palestinian society.

The training program includes 21 training hours in specialized subjects, including the statute of limitations, civil law and tenure, the theory of the contract and its implications and interpretation of the contract, in addition to the subject of rents and levy under Palestinian law and the authenticity of electronic bonds in the proof.


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